No! Its a waste of time and accomplishes nothing. The internet is the way to picket.
i know some zealots that have carried signs and peacefully picketed kingdom halls, especially on the memorial.. what do you think about that?.
No! Its a waste of time and accomplishes nothing. The internet is the way to picket.
the jw rollercoaster continues!
if you still have to go to meetings, i sympathize with you.
i know a few that keep up appearances so that they do not lose their loved family members.
New Bethelites were used up and then tossed aside as more new Bethelites came to Brooklyn and used up all their strength. Free labor, oh, I meant to say room and board with food and a small stipend for your labor.
imagine having just paid your rent.
you have a whole month until you have to pay again.
you go to bed secure in that knowledge.. when you wake up the next morning you discover 11 days have been removed from the calendar and your rent will be due again only 20 days!.
After reading,The Bible Unearthed,archaeology's new vision of ancient Israel and the origin of its sacred texts. Misquoting Jesus, Who wrote the Bible and Carl Sagan's The Demon Haunted World. Also,When religion becomes evil, the lessons of history and many other books like this that I can list, how can you not see the evidence that the Bible is the greatest fraud in all history.
imagine having just paid your rent.
you have a whole month until you have to pay again.
you go to bed secure in that knowledge.. when you wake up the next morning you discover 11 days have been removed from the calendar and your rent will be due again only 20 days!.
All activties that the watchtower follows from the Bible comes from the Roman Catholics Original selection of which book remained in their bible. The watchtower switched to the King James Bible then made their own New World Translation version.
So, what you have here is a Governing Body/ writing dept./ legal dept and whoever, making it up as the times they are a changing.
For your info: Most scholars understand the generation that Jesus spoke about to have been fulfilled in his time period.
How could the watchtower, being Jehovah's Witness not get this right.
Really, Jesus said that we would be "HIS" "WITNESSES" not jehovah's.
per a "top secret, confidential, burn this after you read it" letter to all boes, dated march 2, 2010, but not read in our congregation until this past week:.
new "kingdom ministry" school for all elders and ministerial servants, to be held (in the us anyway) between november 2010 and january 2011.. 6 hours of jaw dropping tedium instruction for ms, 9 for elders.
ms session to be held on a sunday, elders on friday and saturday.. the "super secret surprise", for elders only: a new textbook will be released to be studied at this "school".
Did the legal dept. go over it with a fine tooth comb?
Thanks for the info.
"the corruption of the church" has been exposed forever.
but it never stops and there seems to be no one powerful enough to end it.
we see throughout history where great cathedrals have been burned down....only to be restored and renovated a few years later.
I'm half way through the book a short history of the world by J.M.Roberts.
I just finished reading the lessons of history by Will and Ariel Durant.
Followed by when religion becomes evil by Charles Kimball.
Cycles of war and conquest have always been the way of humanity. Religious traditions have always been susceptible to basic corruptions.
And yes these things repeat themselves through history.
by means of human rule was sure to fail.
that jehovahs way of governing is.
jehovahs way of governing.
Everything they teach is based on the Bible. History has demonstrated that the Bible is a book that puts it's focus on one nation, Isreal. The historian Esra wrote and redacted their history thousands of years after the myth of Adam and Eve and the garden of eden account.
When we study the history of man's beginnings and the beginnings of the Watchtower Society, nothing they teach adds up as truth.
Blondie, if we could make the comments you will not hear at the Watchtower study, we would be disfellowshipped.
And why does the public not get this lifesaving article in the watchtower that they print for the rank and file.
One watchtower for those locked inside, a different one for the public. Is that what the Governing Body was inspired to do by Jehovah or what?
Lets not tell those who get the public magazine about this article printed only for us ?
It does not make any sense at all.
slow death by poisoning is a bad way to go!.
like that old story about boiling a frog.
(gradual heating keeps the frog from jumping out of the pot).. not knowing why you are slightly ill or not at your best keeps you from seeking remedy.. .
A. Fenderson. Google both books and authors on There you will get many reviews and summaries that will answer your request. I am still not fully convinced about each ones opposite views.
slow death by poisoning is a bad way to go!.
like that old story about boiling a frog.
(gradual heating keeps the frog from jumping out of the pot).. not knowing why you are slightly ill or not at your best keeps you from seeking remedy.. .
Terry, You seem to read a lot about many things. Bottom line, what do you actually believe happens to you when you die?
For me, I don't know. I at the present time do not have any belief system about life after death.
For example, I too read a lot about everything and have been following your many topics for years.
The two camps have caused confusion for me. Can you tackle this one example of mine?
I.E. I read Dr. Don Morse's book, "SEARCHING FOR ETERNITY", a scientist's journey to overcome death anxiety.
Then I read Ernest Becker's "THE DENIAL OF DEATH" He is a Pulitzer Prize winner.
Here we have two brillant men writing opposing views and beliefs as to what happens after we die. And both are very convincing.
This is just one example that I am asking you about. How do you accept either one's view Morse's we are immortal creatures, Becker's we are mortal creatures and death ends it all.
Go ahead and Google both men.